Originally Posted by moparx
real interesting suggestion, using 10" rims on one end.
i have a set of "wagon wheels" that are 10" wide, and they have N or M-50's on them. the wheels used to be chrome, but i blasted them and they are just red primer, so they will be perfect for that use. thanks for the tip. up
and i just had a "thought" pop into my noggin........
could a guy weld another wheel to a 10"er for more height, and would it work safely ?

shruggy At a certain point I would expect no but if they could be tied together with adjustable box tubing it would help as would a larger base between the rim and floor ( Plate steel?) We are now going to need some testosterone or steroids to move them not to mention storing when not in use
Then another question, how is one going to get
it high enough to get the stands under the tires?
And finally would it then be too high to be comfortable reaching up that high?
shruggy beer