Originally Posted by gdonovan
Originally Posted by 70Xman

Maybe you should look at the report instead of blaming it on the smaller planes pilot. A lot of people had this same opinion but the facts are clear in the report.

Edit: I see you posted the video that explained everything but still are blaming the pilot because he was going where they told him to go?

He disregarded flight safety rules which mandate maintaining visual contact.

I'm pretty sure the rules around airport airspace dictate you fly wherever your air traffic controller tells you to.

According to the report the SOP for airshows was not followed by the Air Boss. Bombers are supposed to maintain one lane, the fighters lane 500 feet further out with an altitude difference between the 2 lanes. Apparently the the bombers and fighters were directed to cross lanes and there was no altitude difference.

The only thing I find puzzling is why the pilots didn't question the lane change and altitude contrary to the flight plan. That being said I am assuming this wasn't everybody's first show.
