Not an easy time, and getting help can be difficult & intimidating, but even here in Idaho it's available.
Mom was on oxygen & a walker her last couple of years, but being an independent sort, had moved to her own apartment after selling the house.
What we found was Hospice Care, and they were great folks who also had a facility when Mom had an issue that required what was essentially short-term hospitalization from time to time.
A couple of the Hospice gals became almost family...couldn't hope for more compassionate or helpful people.
They came to Mom's 3-4 times a week and did everything from bathing to laundry. Mom was determined to cook for herself to the end.
Fortunately she also had a network of friends from her Church, who were a great help when I couldn't be there; whether visiting or shopping or cleaning.
I made several banzai runs to her place anyway, at all hours, when she'd have an issue.
During that time, we'd checked with a couple of other care providers - a couple of which seemed pretty sketchy - but Hospice care was better.
My brother & SIL are in Arlington, TX and cared for her Mom for awhile; I'll check with them for info as applies to TX.

Be prepared for some psychological impact to yourself on how you view Life and such.