My mother is now 93 and my sister and I were hoping she would stay at the family home until she passed which was in Arkansas. Three years ago she started having falling issues and we got a local care giver company to watch her 24/7. We blew through her money in less than a year and were thinking about a reverse mortgage. All the assisted living and independent living places near her were way too expensive. We got lucky and found a place near my sister in Missouri that was 1/3rd the cost, so we moved her up there and sold the house for her end of life living expenses. We also got lucky as my dad was in the service in WWII and she qualified for his benefits and of course his social security, so she is set for the rest of her life. We hit up every single caregiver company in Arkansas and couldn't find any that were cheap enough. The best ones were Caring Angels and Angel Care, but there were local in home independent sitters who we used for quite a while. We never had a problem like you are finding, no "the wrong side of the tracks" issues in Arkansas. With the internet it is easier to find such people nowadays... twocents We also took care of my MIL until the end of her life in our own home. The best response we got were from Catholic Charities even though she was not Catholic. They supplied all the necessities like hospital bed, IV drip apparatus, and anything she needed for toilet issues including a slip on handle for the tub. They also provided nurses assistants for a few hours each day which helped my wife tremendously, in fact one of them has become a friend. Other churches in you area have people willing to help also. wave

Last edited by Rhinodart; 10/23/22 11:59 PM.

The funny thing about science is that if you change one miniscule parameter you change the entire outcome to the way you want it.

JB Rhinehart, Realist

A-Body's RULE!