Sorry for the guys trouble. We live in a messed up world, sorry to say folks might do better to be a bit more pro active vs wait to be a victim. Barb wire, dogs, gps units, no start devices, motion sensor flood lights. Lastly, lets not put our whole life on the internet.

A rabbit gets in my fenced area and it looks like a WW2 POW camp when it lights everything up. With some states catch and release policies where a car thief is back out in a few hours and does it over and over.... folks need to tighten up.

Its up to us, its just a report to the cops. We all know the F series Fords are the number 1 truck stolen.

Screenshot 2022-09-30 at 20-03-42 NICB Report Finds Vehicle Thefts Continue to Skyrocket in Many Areas of U.S. National Insurance Crime Bureau.png