What if it was the truck driver that was distracted and went to change lanes and didn't see the car???? Personally I've seen more trucks cut off cars than the other way around especially if some dumb car driver sits in the trucks blind spot FOREVER. Can't fully blame either but it seems that most are blaming the car driver for running into the side of a semi. Which driver had the most possibility of not seeing the other in their blind spot? The only way the car could have not seen the semi would have been at the very front corner of the tractor and shouldn't that hit spun out the car too? Needs to be more before jumping to conclusions..............................like I'm doing. Where exactly did the car and semi come in contact? If it was from the back of the cab or farther then it was either distracted driving on the cars part or blind spot or distracted driving on the semi's part. Okay I'll take the flame. Oh one more thing, my son when he first started driving came home from work with mud on his tires and I asked him how that happened. Well I was going to work he said and I was doing the 70 MPH highway speed limit and passing a semi. Before I could get around the first semi we came up on a slow moving wide load semi and the semi I was next to ran me into the median. I asked if he was in the semi's blind spot and he thought he wasn't just that the semi was mad because I was going to make him slow down. I said you messed up because semi's don't like to slow down especially if they are on cruise control and then have to get back up to speed and use more fuel than if you would have just been courteous and either you sped up or backed off to let the semi over. Yep ran my son right into the median at 70 MPH with no regard for the young kid's life. Yes my son was wrong or inexperienced but no reason for a semi driver to road rage him to near death and drive him off the road with a 40 ton weapon. So there is why I'm looking at this from a different angle until it's proven who was at fault. I personally don't think the car drove into the side of a semi until someone proves me wrong. Waiting for more facts not guesses.
