I learn to drive in SO CA, out in the Mojave Desert, I spent many hours later in L.A. traffic and learn when it comes to a collision where it is me against the other guy, screw him tsk
I tease some of the locals up here in central Oregon that were born and raised here when they complain about all the new California drivers and how they drive, I tell them that have not driven in L.A. that it is not unusual to be going 80+MPH in bumper to bumper traffic having to shoot at other drivers out every window and then have to come to a stop in 50 Ft. whistling
I'm kidding about shooting out the windows but not about the speed or heavy bumper to bumper traffic shock
It is really too bad that he had to die in that accident whiney

Mr.Cab Racing and winning with Mopars since 1964. (Old F--t, Huh)