Thank you all very much for the replies and it anyone has any to add PLEASE DO.

Part of the problem is their is A LOT of knowledge I can pass on to him that took me years to learn. Most of it was paid for by experiences frown .
This is a different world than what he is accustomed to and he needs to know the ins and outs as well as how to cover his backside and not get in too deep. I have a list of turn downs in the last 6 months that would likely keep him busy for 3 years at his current pace. And these are on top of the ones I've referred to him and have on my schedule.

This knowledge part itself is probably the hardest part to figure out how to establish a WIW and then the rest as well. Even if he offered to buy me out completely it would be difficult as I plan to continue on a part time basis with established regulars and as a hobby. So that poses another set of problems. What would I keep and what to let go of. We all know as soon as something is sold, one suddenly needs it LOL. We won't even talk about the inventory as that's another can of worms.
thanks to all that have responded so far andf hope to see some more wink beer