So I ran into an issue I was hoping someone may be able to shed some light on. I recently went to buy a 8.75 third member from Dr Diff. It turns out he is short staffed and not doing any assembling right now. So he sold me all the parts and I dropped them off to a reputable local shop that specializes in differentials.
I got a call from the shop today and was told the third member would not go together.
I was told the ring gear and bolts are hitting the case. The gears are 3.91's, and when the shop owner called Yukon he was told that with that ratio there should be no grinding to the case necessary to assemble the unit. The shop owner estimated 2-3 hours labor to clearance the new Yukon case to get things to fit. He has another OEM gearset on hand and that ring gear measures slightly smaller. The Dr Diff Sure Trac II unit measured out spot on. Cass sold me the parts for $1310 I believe, and he sells the assembled third members for $1425. I have a hard time believing he's spending an additional 2-3 hours to clearance a brand new case on top of time to set the unit up all for $115.00. If anyone out there could shed some light on this for me it would be much appreciated.
My first move was to get in touch with Cass, but he is on vacation until next Thursday. Thank you for any and all help, it is much appreciated.