Originally Posted by Rhinodart

I know what regenerative braking is, known it for decades. Posts like yours just say "nothing can be done" and leaves it at that. I am asking for a paradigm shift in thinking, so what you are saying is that there is no reason to even try. ANY help keeping the batteries charged is better than just saying "it won't work"... rolleyes

I didn't say nothing can be done. I said your idea can't be done successfully. Multiple people have told you it won't work, it violates the laws of physics no matter how hard you roll your eyes.

You want to do something to charge an EV while it's in use? Put solar panels on it, mind the aerodynamics. Get one of those old WWII hand crank generators and get your cardio while you are at it.

Ultimately, the only idea I have heard that might be actually functional and not pie in the sky "I don't know what I am talking about but it sure sounds good listening to me talk" thinking is a wireless charging system imbedded in the roads. No idea on cost effectiveness or charging efficiency.