Originally Posted by Myrtle
Originally Posted by larrymopar360

The only real criticism if you can call it that is with his clueless daughter and us having to tolerate her "learning" (without a lot of natural interest) so that she has a job. But I can't blame dad for looking out for his daughter.

No. Just no.

1. Everyone has a learning curve. I highly doubt you came out of the womb knowing where the body numbers on an E Body are located.

2. Alyssa is genuinely one of the nicest people our hobby has to offer. Super nice. Super kind. Very down to earth. She is fun. And who knows, she just may be slower to warm up to our hobby than most. If so, who cares? For the time being, she is playing a supportive role in the show and does a great job at it.

3. She doesn’t have to do [censored] if she doesn’t want to. I’m pretty sure Mark has said she gets the business. She could very easily have stayed doing hair and just sat back, inherited the business and placed key people in the right places to keep it going and manage via proxy. The fact that she is electing to play as active of a role she has speaks to her WANT of being part of our hobby. Does she know what Mark know? No. Can Kim Pegula do what Josh Allen does - no. She is still the boss and supports HER team and no one cares that she probably can’t throw a ball.

Yes, there’s a learning curve. But, hasn’t she been on the show for about 10 years? No, I don’t expect her to be rattling numbers off like Worman.

China is the enemy.