Originally Posted by TJP
A departed good friend once said they should just make one set of instructions for ALL aftermarket parts.
1. Take off the old sh-t
2. Bolt on the new sh-it
3. Turn the key and go laugh2

Over the last 50 or so years I have found 4 exceptions that come to mind

1. Schumacher conversion mounts
2. Trim parts
3. RMS suspension
4. Legendary interiors

twocents beer

I think my old buddy was probably a lot more accurate with his thoughts on almost every aftermarket parts. His went like this:
1) Take the old stuff off, save it, you might have to put it back on.
2) Test fit and modify the new stuff to fit like it was suppose to fit.
3) After modification, bolt it on, and hope it works.
4) Clean the mess up. Go drive it. Then keep the mess cleaned up.
5) If it doesn't work, you can put the old stuff back on, and sell the fancy junk at a swap meet!