Okay, so you aren't a content creator, as I had already postulated.

You are indeed highly skilled in driving.
No one doubted that, and we still won't doubt that after seeing your offered evidence.
Congratulations on being in Car Craft and on Netflix.
The more you post about your accomplishments, the more insecure you come across, so you might want to dial that back a bit.

What you lack is diplomacy, board manners, and civility.
Contrary to what you think, you are NOT offering constructive help when you view a single lap of a track day, and observe that "all 3 of you guys are all over the place".
The video showing a single lap was posted in direct response to the question "are you the blue car that spun in three?".
And for the record,"But mah Car is Differnet, so it needs a different LINE!" is not particularly polite, and "I apologize that you immediately went on the defensive" is not an apology.

The Mustang video was posted with the approval of the driver, who is repairing the minor damage on his own dime.

Please start your own thread about your upcoming track events, so other members may find out how they can join you and benefit from your abilities as driver and instructor.

Now, let me critique the one and only driving-related video seen on your YouTube channel - the above linked "341 helmet cam":

As a Driving Instructor, I would expect that you teach that a racer's line of sight generally directs where your car goes. Therefore, it would be important to keep your eyes on the track, especially when that track is a winding hill climb with frequent drop-offs. To that end, one should have a muscle-memory [maybe even "zen-like"] grasp of all the important controls' locations. Given all this, how do you explain the driver's need to look down at his shifter at 2:05, 3:11, and 3:18?

So, how does THAT feel? (This was rhetorical - please DON'T feel the need to answer.)

With that admittedly juvenile dig, I think we're even, and hereby declare a truce.
I will stop bantering back at you.
Please leave this thread and start your own thread about events and available instruction, and let me try to convince people that AllTime events are laid-back and fun.

Speed safe.

Down to just a blue car now.