Originally Posted by PhillyRag
What a crock of ******!!!!!
"Barely runs, Has issues, I know nothing about it, etc, etc,"
Always wanted one, but placed a very very low bid.
BUT, I'm gonna drive it 700 miles !!!!
Yea Right: followed by a trailer.
Could barely watch 5 minutes into video.

I don't know about any of that. Derek is usually a straight shooter. I don't doubt for a second he bought it sight unseen for a low, low price. Model A's are pretty simple and a cursory Google search will show you how to do most repairs. And normally, no, he doesn't do these with a trailer following. In these wonderful, modern times we live in.... his Mrs. is nothing more than a phone call away; and she'll hook up the trailer and rescue him. That's actually happened when his purchase turned out to be a pile.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....