The biggest mistake made is accelerating before the front wheels are straight. The old adage of "accelerate at the apex" no longer applies. I took a McLaren out on a "track day" last year. Before you jump in your supercar they take you around the course in a twelve-passenger van. You would never believe what a van can do on a race track! But I digress... There are three cones at each corner - the braking point, the apex and the exit. The idea is: go like hell to the braking point, touch the brakes to slow the momentum and aim for the apex, coast to the exit cone and THEN hammer the gas. If you accelerate before the exit you're going to spin into the weeds. If you do accelerate at the apex and don't spin ... you were going too slow in the first place!! The same applies to exiting a parking lot, you don't accelerate till you're pointing where you want to go!