sounds like a lot of fun DZ !
i wished you guys were closer so you could give my a$$ a KICK [start] and a helping hand getting my charger back up and going. laugh2
my dad was kind of disappointed i chose interest in cars and machinist work instead of carpentry, like he and grandpa was into.
although in later life, the old man was real happy i chose what i did, because i saved him tons of money and time fixing his ride[s].
to say he was rough on vehicles was kind of an understatement. whistling biggrin
he did have a great sense of humor though. [the family says we all have a great sense of "A$$HOLERY" ]
till the day he died, every time he saw me no matter where that was, he would look at me and say : "HEHEHE ! I got HAIR, and you DON'T ! HEHEHE!" [referring to the baldness of my dome]
i sure miss him ! frowwn