Talk about over driving your ability to react.

You are moving at 11704 feet per minute, 378 feet per second. That is more than a football field.

Average reaction time is 273 milliseconds. In that time you have moved 103 feet.

That just how far you have moved before you realize something is there. Then you start to react.

Half a second (?) to get off the gas an onto the brakes, another 189 feet. Now we are at 292 feet from the time you saw something till the time you touch the brake pedal.

Meanwhile that deer doesn't even have time to know you have headlights much less give you that look.

It may be legal to do those speed on the Autobahn, but legal doesn't preclude stupid. Not saying I've never been stupid on the highway, but I can say I have never been that stupid, lack of ability lol.