Originally Posted by 77DragracerR/T
Hey Everyone
Haven't been on here in quite awhile and thought I'd check in with a ring question. I'm refreshening my 408 stroker and I'm stuck with deciding on what ring to run. It's .030 (Scat Stroker Kit) and I'm still running my KB744 or I'm hoping as I haven't pulled them out yet. I had a issue with my Evac system and the diaphragms broke and instead of drawing pressure out of the engine it did the opposite. I think my cylinders are probably highly polished as I can turn a fresh oil change black in a matter of a few passes. What's a good brand and should I run Moly top ring set?

Call Total Seal and see if the suggest moly rings. On my last 15 sets or so they haven’t. If you’d rather use email Lake usually responds quickly. Also you need to remember that the materiel and any possible coatings on the rings significantly changes the surface finish of the bore. The days of using 3 different stones and a brush are long past. Now, depending on the ring you use an appropriate roughing stone and get the bores to roughly .001 and then take out the last .001 with finish stone and then brush it or use a CBN to finish. You need a profilometer to know what the actual surface is. I know 100 guys will chime in and say they are doing it like they did on 1980 or 1990 but that doesn’t cut it any more.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston