Originally Posted by Tig
Can you post a pic or short vid of the issue? I'm not sure of the problem you have here. I've seen something similar on a brand new nostalgia F/C. It was backing up to make a test pass when both front wheels turned out (left to left and right to right, like this -> \ ^ / ). IIRC when going backwards both wheels want to turn outwards and on the steering linkages / tie bars, they were going past / over "TDC" on the linkage, for want of a better phrase. Has it always done it?

If you were to stand at the front of the car, and watch, as soon as i start to back up, the part of the tire touching the pavement will splay out about 4", and the top of the tire will splay in about the same amount........../........\............<<<like this...........then when i go forward, it will resume the correct stance...........l.........l...........<<<.like this........No, it has not always done it, it started a year or so ago, and is getting worse