Originally Posted by Sunroofcuda
Originally Posted by 6PakBee
Around here it's the opposite, people trying to drive on snow covered roads as if it was 70 degrees. If you go to the nearest large city (Bismarck) right after the first good snow, you'll see heaps of red, amber, and clear plastic debris everywhere on the roads. The first couple of days are like bumper cars. That learning curve has to be followed every year. Never fails.

Agreed. I travel all over the country & have NEVER seen as many bad, idiot, hostile drivers, as I do in Michigan. WORST stretch of highway is US 23 between Brighton & Ann Arbor at rush hour. There's at least one wreck every day either North or South. You simply cannot keep distance from someone. Last night it had been snowing a little - just enough to resurface the roads - with a Zamboni! I went to pick my daughter up from work at 6:30 & I could tell the road was icy - not just snowy. Touch the brakes & you GLIDE. Safest speed 35 max - MAYBE! Well, there were idiots humming along at 55 - on a 2-lane road thinking it was just wet, if even wondering at all. Some people just don't think at all when driving!

And to 99% of the people driving they just DON'T UNDERSTAND that driving is the most dangerous thing they ever do in their lives! 1% of us have very dangerous jobs, things that could kill you any minute, and we learn how to stay alive. The desk jockey's may get a paper cut, might spill their hot coffee, or slip on the floor at the office. They really DON'T get it that they are driving a 4K lb missle! hammer

The funny thing about science is that if you change one miniscule parameter you change the entire outcome to the way you want it.

JB Rhinehart, Realist

A-Body's RULE!