Originally Posted by DrCharles
I know I'm interested, since I'm 290 lbs wink and I was looking for a rolling seat, too! Thanks for the tip. up

I use an old office chair and remove the arms and back. it looks a little white trash but the base and seat are wider and more stable. It has a better weight limit and they are easy to come by. Somebody is always replacing them in their home/office.

Originally Posted by GomangoCuda
Originally Posted by 340SIX
Wow some of youse guys are old and fat.

I resemble that. But I don't need a creeper for 450#. I am about 265 though.
I am old but I'm younger than Doc. up

I think a lot of people on here are blaming weight but when you are wrenching down on a bolt most of us do not think about how much extra stress that we put on the creeper. Even a 100lb guy could overload a 250lb creeper pushing the wrong way.