I'm happy when I'm accomplishing things, and my so called "friends" just wanted to sit around, drink, and complain about everything and everyone, even each other. I swear the song "Too much time on my hands" was written about them. They brag up what they're capable of but never follow through on anything. One even bought a project car, and the only progress ever made on it was stuff I did for him. I was the only person he knew that can work on old cars, so I'm sure nothing has been done with it since we parted ways.

What's funny is I didn't realize I had nothing in common with them. I don't run into them at all around town because they don't have the same interests as me. They also taught me how to spot toxic insecurity, and I had to walk away form another "friend" because he started doing the same crap. I treat everyone like an equal, and I've always overlooked people's problems, but this group bit me in the butt so bad that I've become vigilant on metal illness and insecurity. People like these are energy vampires and they suck the life, and happiness, out of you.

Anyway. I spent a lot of time this summer "playing" with my cars. Way more than I have in the last few years. I've also spent more time with my family. All of which has made me much happier.

I really thought the hobby was dead for me.

No longer taking $h!t from anyone!