Thanks for the compliments guys, I appreciate it up. A little update on the car includes.....

1) A new timing chain being added, the old one was the original yellow plastic one with the original Pentastar on it!! The original was in good shape but we ain't gonna take any chances being 50 years old

2) It now has new heater hoses, and yes it still had the originals on it too!! We took em off because they were no good because the previous owner had a crappy mechanic, who replaced other hoses and put the clamps for the original hoses on too tight and it cut into the hoses

3) A new 2bbl carburetor was bought for the car

4) The original radiator was taken out and recored, it was converted to a 3 row as well

5) The heat canister that was in the car was a crappy aftermarket, needless to say it was replaced with an NOS one

6) This is the part I hate to admit because I think it ruins the car, sigh. Yes the engine is getting repainted, BUT in it's original blue.

The plan is to HOPEFULLY have the car in the survivor tent, and have the yellow S/23 in the C-body line at Carlisle next year in 2022

If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)