Anything with a title can be put in a trust. Hagerty said there is no issue insuring it if we go that route. I would think they would know since I emailed them specifics. Sounds like the other tricky part will be bank accounts and savings bonds. We have to update the beneficiaries once the trust is set up fully. Safe deposit box just requires us to put a few other names on it. We have the intention of all bank accounts going to the kids. Our daughter (wife and mine) will get 100% of her accounts and 50% of mine. My son (not the wife's) will get the other 50% of my accounts. Technically, he should only get 25% of the house value, but we are listing it as 50%. That may change. Yesterday we decided since he is 21 to give him the option (daughter gets some money at 21 as well) of putting his name fully on an account we have set up for him. We used it to pay for his trade school and were still putting a little into it each payday. Our daughter has the same set up. He chose to get the money out and deposit into his regular bank account. Not even a thank you text. All I got was "I can get a nice four wheeler now" text. He didn't say thanks until the wife texted him and asked if he thanked me. I'm a bit ticked about it. Am I looking at it wrong? Yes the money was set up for him and it's his now, but it was almost $10k. We are the primary trustees, then in case something happens it is a friend, sister in law, another friend. Daughter takes over when she is 18 or 21, forgot which one we put. Shouldn't matter, we will be around after that. She also lives in the house until she's 30 and then has to buy it out from my son or sell it and split the profit. She may be living on her own by then, but we don't want her to have to worry about a place to live.

Last edited by MI_Custumz; 10/26/21 06:01 AM.