i seem to get 0 response from real people on craigslist.
i had hit or miss response on facebook.
ebay hasn't been that bad if you can ship. if you can't ship it usually won't sell.

my example
for the last 8 months i have had a drivers door from a 2020 chevy silverado, it fits 18-19-20 and probably 21 trucks,. there is a small easily repairable dent above the door handle. this door new list is close to $1K, i think dealer cost is around $600..
i have had is listed on craigslist , face book and ebay for 8 months for $250. i have had 0 replies on craigslist. 0 replies on face book with only 10 views. and lots of offers to buy if i could ship it at that price.
one of the problems with facebook is i think they restrict who sees your ads unless you pay $$$ to boost your listings. i constantly get messages like for $10 453 people will see your ad.

the door is made out of aluminum. i have been thinking of just recycling it, but i still have the storage space. the greedy person inside of me says you are crazy to flush $$$ down the crapper. i am thinking if it doesn't sell at Iola swap next year i will just recycle it.

perception is 90% of reality