Originally Posted by justinp61
Originally Posted by DaveRS23
I work and have my cars in a huge old barn. Mice are a constant problem. But then so are squirrels and dirt daubers. I do the best that I can to keep the mouse population down, but it is a constant battle. The cat thing is a non starter for us. They just kill anything and everything that they come across. When they bring the crippled baby bunnies up to the house, or kill a chipmunk, my wife cries. It is just too much for her in order for me to control the mice in the barn. So, I have to eliminate the cats and control the mice. The cats are a larger target, so they are not a problem. The wife feeds the little colored birds, and chipmunks, and bunnies. We even have flying squirrels now that the cars are gone. All that and mice, too. But no cats.

That's the problem with cats, they're killers. They kill everything. I hate mice and would rather have a snake around than a mouse.

BTW traps with peanut butter work great, it that don't catch them put a piece of bacon on the trap.

That’s the best thing about cats! They have a territory, they patrol it regularly and absolutely no trespassing allowed. Every once in a while we’ll get a field mouse in the house but the house cats are too well fed to be much use. They just have a big old time playing with them. The bit that annoys me the most is when they won’t let me have the mouse because they know I’ll just toss their toy in the yard.

Peanut butter in a cheap plastic snap trap works great. These things have hair triggers and never miss:
