Originally Posted by HemiDart68
I have used east coast auto electric alternators with real good luck.

As far as 12 vs 16, there are advantages and disadvantages. On my last build when I saw I had to reduce a bunch of things, and just would really be using the extra voltage for cranking I decided against it.

Sometimes i think people have problems starting, so just default to 16V when in fact the issues are elsewhere in the electrical system. Running proper size cables for alternator, starter etc. are important. I don't use chassis grounds, my whole system grounds back to battery, I firmly believe that helps a lot.

i like deka batteries.

I share the same reasoning. I do believe Doug had /has adequate wiring materials. And he helped me with mine so, if anything mine is ignorant overkill in many opinions. This battery was quite old and I did a restoration/ decalcify procedure to it before I ever tried it...I never charged it before this. So the reserve was suspect. I know a 'hillbilly' jumpbox will solve my starting problems for the moment along with new battery and a more tenative 'replenishing' proceedure. It is a fast fix hopefully. Jumped it in the lanes that day (thanks SimonFast!), drove it directly to trailer and loaded it so it had 3? minutes of partial charging. When I got home 2 hrs later, it started 3 times during unloading. I'll have all winter to consider redesigning a different electrical system but, it'll likely be an expensive weight savings.