Originally Posted by challengersteve
There is nothing funny about absolute stupidity

Yeah I never quite understood that either. I got dragged to the original movie by my then girlfriend and the only time I laughed.... literally the ONLY time I laughed was when dude didn't poo for three days, planning to make in a hardware store toilet on display only to have the sleuces open up en route to do the do.

That cracked me up.

But the rest of it? Putting yourself and others in obvious danger or just doing stupid things just never seemed funny to me. And I have a great sense of humor. Seriously.... ever seen my face? I *HAVE* to have a sense of humor with this mug. grin

I guess this more than anything proves how starved the world is for new movies/tv shows/entertainment after being cooped up for over a year.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....