Originally Posted by ekim
has anyone measured either power gains or mpg gains before and after switching to syn oil.
my only exp was using slick 50 in the 80s and i gained 2 mpgs on a 4 cyl daily driver with no other changes.

Speaking for my own life,
do not do like I did for decades and “live in scientific sin and experimental ignorance”.

Read about Type IV SAE/TMC fuel economy tests.

If you want to know if synthetic oil makes a MPG difference “in the real world”
start by learning from the 18 wheel professional trucking companies
and “greybeards” like Claude Travis
who have thought long and deeply about how to “do this right.”

As you might guess from Type IV being in the name,
there are also Type I, Type II and Type III
Society of Automotive Engineers/Truck Maintenance Council