Originally Posted by 1972CudaV21
“Evolve to survive”....Stellantis.....Yup, the average millennial will want an EV and they’re being indoctrinated to believe that the EV will save the planet. During this transition, Stellantis will slap a Fratzog emblem on an expensive, muscle electric car to satisfy some old guys. How many more years before car cruises become shunned as “polluting events”, a.k.a., super spreader events for oil burners? The social justice warriors and environmentalists are well-schooled over the last year and will use protests, social media and whatever else to stop the ICE. In not too many years, these same people will protest and try to close your local gas station. If Vietnam vets were spat on for being baby killers, don’t be surprised if the same occurs for driving a gas-operated car. Scoff at it, but it easy to envision.
and they can put all the “battery Mountains“ in California and Oregon as all those batteries reach end of life and they need to pile them up somewhere.

Facts are stubborn things.