RWG is on the money, of course you have to remove the wipers and cowl panel, then the nut that holds the arm to the motor, then the four that hold the transmissions in place,and fish the whole thing lengthwise thru one of those cowl holes, I think it is second from the right.

Swap the bushings on the bench,, and throw it all back in, easy peasy. Minus the cuts from sharp edges,assembling the transmissions wrong, etc.
When I got ready to put it back together, I goggled around and found this, and corrected what I screwed up the first time testing my memory.

It isn;t really as bad as what you think it will be, when the linkage is assembled right.

OOPS sorry, not smart enough to attach the image of the linkage, you'll have to goggle it yourself I have it saved but can't post it.

It takes gasoline to interest me.