Damn, I have a headache. What happened to the days when a person could walk into a Sears store and walk out with exactly what you needed. Whether you needed it or not.

There is a lot to these chargers, jump starters, etc. More than I want to know. I just want them to work when I want them to work. Simple request.

On a whim, I called NOCO and before I could even start whining, they offered to replace my GB40 jump starter. For free. Even though it took a dump May 2019 and has been out of warranty a year and a half. But will I trust the replacement? The trashed $1,400 laptop, the time & money spent trying to recover unrecoverable data, the $500 for a crappy HP replacement laptop and especially the aggravation. I'll probably give it a try but will definitely not charge it up with my laptop or car's power outlet. Instead I might sneak over to my neighbors patio and plug it in there. Yeah, that's the ticket.

As for a battery charger, the NOCO Genius 5 looks pretty. I know, I know, NOCO again. But it looks good on paper and I am on a first name basis with customer service. It does have a manual override for those times I leave the ignition switch on for an extended period of time and really drain the battery. Again....

Speaking of which, I eventually did get the car running this afternoon. Sometimes simple things are a real pita, and this was one of those times. I was pretty torqued last night.

But thanks to all who posted and offered some suggestions and insight. I appreciate it.

It is getting late so I had better go check my car one more time before I shut down for the night. Later