Originally Posted by Dcuda69
Not a bike rider but.....I always see stuff about watching for bikes(I do) and how drivers are crazy etc,etc. Just in the last month I've had a biker run a stop sign right in front of me(I had to slam on the brakes hard to avoid him) had one just cut me off on the freeway yesterday at 80 mph(he knew I was there,he just passed me!), had one pitch his cig out and hit my windshield, had a group of them hogging both lanes on a 2 lane so nobody could get around them,etc,etc. Lately it seems like they feel they own the road and motorists should just let them take over. Nothing against bikes (living in SE WI is Harley land!) or bikers but geez.....things work both ways!!

I agree completely. I rode Kawasaki's when I was young, triples and Z1900's. Had three friends die in one year in 1980, one was flat run over by a cage and the other two got drunk and stupid. I sold my Kaw and bought a an old Sportster when that happened, then quit riding for 10 years. Made the mistake of going to a Harley dealer with a new friend who wanted to get a new Heritage as his AMF bagger was falling apart. Couldn't believe how H-D had upgraded over the years and bought my Softail in 1990. Half the riders are as bad or worse than cagers nowadays. Real tired of the new clown bikes, the ones with 30" front wheels and bags that come to a point and drag the ground, true posers... tsk

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JB Rhinehart, Realist

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