Originally Posted by dizuster
Originally Posted by rickraw
Should’ve checked line pressure first, that would pointed u in the right direction. 2cts.

That was the FIRST thing I said to DVW when I called him after I took it apart and didn't find any issues!!!!

Thanks to all of those who've given ideas. We have family plans this weekend, but I'll report back next week after some further investigation!

Line pressure is unaffected by converter fill. Doug said it moved under it’s own power and you said no burnt clutches.

Low line would have wounded clutches.

Look at the valve body - corner by the spring retainer bracket. There is a small long skinny spring next to the reg valve.
That’s the TCCV and spring. That’s your likely culprit. That valve should be all the way in it’s bore. And it should fall out once that bracket is removed.