Originally Posted by moparjim79
. As far as quitting your job instead of being seen driving around in it as another poster replied, only something an absolute phucktard would say.

No Phucktard, that's something someone with pride and decency would say. Have you ever looked into the history of Blunder Motors or are you just some kind of Wannabe Mo' Fart? Do you know that they bent the Taxpayer over for 11.9 Billion dollars?

Obviously, you can't say schitt to your boss if your mouth was full of it because you'd be too busy on your hands and knees for a paycheck. At the bottom of the ladder at your job cleaning urinals?

I don't have to do that. wink Good People in any company can call shots on something as trivial as vehicle brand that they have to drive. twocents

Run along with your mop and pail, Goofball: I hear your Boss coming around the corner. spank

Mo' Farts

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