Long story short, I fat fingered something and needed help recovering.

Surf the online help but no help. Hit the chat button, got a bot. A dumb one maybe. Steps ya through the common questions but if ya respond "none of the above", it has no idea what to do. Didn't see an option to xfer to a live body that didn't know what to do. So I tried a good old fashion phone call and hey look, a 6 digit code. Maybe they'll recognize me. Got the same dumb bot that still doesn't know what to do with a question it can't answer. Ok fine, lets try resolution center. Similar menu but when ya get to "none of the above" it comes back with a form to fill out. Cool, making some progress. Fill it out, hit submit, get an error message with no explanation. Try it a few more times changing some key words, same result.

Great. I'll just pick one of the menu items and explain myself in the notes. That at least worked and created a case. Why do I think the same Artificial Stupidity behind the web chat and the auto attendant is also behind the resolution interface?? Rhetorical question because I've set up those systems in a previous life. My next expectation is a canned answer to an entirely different question because previous life.