Originally Posted by DirectSubjection
Here its BMWs with awful sounding exhausts and pops

Speeder's here are mostly BMW's, here but a lot of Infinities, Altima's and yes Chargers. Surprisingly few Challengers speed but there are a lot around here.

I read the guys GoFundMe page and he is either the criminally stupid or looking to bilk peope out of a $1000. I'm leaning towards the latter.

Personally I am more afraid of the idiots with cell phones stuck to their face or who think it's your responsibility to avoid them when they pull out into traffic or change lanes without looking. I see the speeders coming and I just let them go on by.

They have gotten into putting up speed mountains (I wouldn't call them bumps they are huge) on the neighborhood streets frequented by speeders. Those are inconvenient but sadly necessary now do to speeding in the neighborhoods.