I've noticed the same think about tracking. The notifications used to be of the form (and I'm paraphrasing, I can't recall the exact language) "Your package has been accepted" to "Your package is in transit to the next facility", to "Your package has been received at the xxx facility" followed by "Your package is in transit to the next facility" to "Your package is out for delivery" to "Your package has been delivered. Each transfer between centers was noted. Now it's more like "Your package has been accepted", "Your package is in transit", "Your package has been delivered" regardless of how many transfers occurred or where it is exactly. My personal thought, at least with USPS, is that with the more detailed tracking people could see a package was in USPS purgatory for days (or weeks) at a center. Solution? Make sure the tracking is so brief the customer can't see this.

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".