Originally Posted by Grizzly
Well, you'd think these magazines would load up all of their Hacks, show up on your doorsteps, and personally read their stories to you guys...........after all there can't be more than 5 or 6 of you keeping them in business?

Thank goodness for the internet.

Ha! Lots of feelings probably got hurt with that comment. I will say this: I started my subscription in 95 and let it lapse in 2007. I inherited the whole pre 95 collection from a friend. I thought it was a very unique platform for a while. It was solely based on just the cars and sales. The other mopar only subscriptions I had filled the tech department adequately.

I got really tired of a lot of the same stories, and as TA said, it felt like every issue was packed full of " 1of 1" cars. I'm not an enormous fan of Rob Wolf anymore either. I let all subscriptions die around the same time, come to think of it. Then this idea of paying for online only content? No thanks.