Originally Posted by oldjonny
Originally Posted by Butterscotch71
any Frank Lloyd Wright house is going to bring a premium

ONLY to someone that cares. When I was in college, I spent quite a bit of time reading up on the guy and studying his efforts. Guy designed some things that were 'neat'. Not at all practical, but 'neat'. Fallingwater is an example of something that remains 'neat'. TOTALLY not practical for 99.999% of the real world, but neat. Town I live in has some homes that were designed by Alden Dow, who studied under Wright back in '33. His homes also are 'neat', but not something that I would ever chose to own. There is a certain snob appeal to the 'artsy' type folks with these places. For the same money, you could certainly create something that was WAY more functional and served a legit purpose.

Yes, his houses are not for everyone. They are more about design than practicality...as are many houses that have modern designs. Not everyone that appreciates them is a snob. As an architect, I have a great appreciation for his work. No, it's not always practical but much of what he did was incredibly innovative for his time. Unfortunately, that sometimes translates to high maintenance costs. Falling Water has those incredible cantilevered concrete balconies that continue to inspire modern house designs today, but they have required extensive restoration through the years.

addict:to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively ....hmmmm