Originally Posted by EvilB1Dart
Several important variables regarding your complete combination in order to pick or "ballpark" a well working converter for a Glide. They are definitely less forgiving than a 3-spd auto. Most of the good converter builders can get it locked-in real well first go around if you provide the correct necessary information. Your application and needs will dictate converter type, which I'm sure you know. Can't go wrong with any of these below. I've run all of them, and currently have a N/A UCC converter and a Nitrous PTC Bolt-Together converter.

PTC - Keith
Ultimate Converter Concepts (UCC) - Lenny
Neal Chance - Marty
Pro Torque - Joe
Hughes - Pete
Munsinger - Mike
Continental - Chris

Chris died several years ago, I'm sure Continental closed up after his death whiney

Mr.Cab Racing and winning with Mopars since 1964. (Old F--t, Huh)