30 years ago when my nephew was young and hungry, he would do my old car stuff. Now he has a thriving business with a bunch of employees and a bunch of accounts with insurance companies and government agencies. Now he's putting 300 grand into an expansion and the new downdraft paint booth. So he's all set up to turn and burn this late model stuff. He won't do collector car stuff for me or anybody.

My shop is in a remote area where I don't have to worry about codes, ordinances, or neighbors. But I would need to do a lot of rearranging and probably would need to move some of my collection to another space if I go ahead with this paint booth. I've only ever painted one car myself, and done the body work on a couple. Lack of a dedicated space to do it, lack of skill and experience, and lack of time have made it much more expeditious to just hire someone to do it. But as I get closer to retirement, I think that I will soon have time for that sort of thing. If my body's not completely shot by then.

31 Plymouth Coupe, 392 Hemi, T56 magnum
I don't regret the things I've done. I only regret the things I didn't do.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something. ~ Plato"