Originally Posted by poorboy
I would guess that would depend on how much you think your time is worth, and if you have an actual need for one.

Taking down a paint booth that has been standing for 40 years will be a project, then putting it up and doing the modifications it will need to function at your place will also involve time and expenses. My buddy just (with in the last year) bought a used, but more modern paint booth then he had. They changed the fire laws in out town and his old booth was no longer up to fire code. Might be something you want to look into? I also believe he paid $6,000 for that used paint booth, it was already taken down, but he had to travel to get it, then he had to remove his old booth and install the new one. I remember he had to make a lot of adjustments for the new booth to fit in the same location as his old booth sat. He runs a body shop, so it was money well invested. You have to determine if the effort you exert to remove the booth, transport it, install it at you place, and how often you will actually use it, is worth the effort.

For me, it would be a waste of time. I don't want, need, nor do I have room for a paint booth. Gene

^^^This. How much do you paint that would justify the booth and what sort of regulations will you run into using one and/or how tolerant are your neighbors compared to having your nephew do work or renting the booth from him.

Where I work we tore down and moved a automated powder coating line. Asa commercial effort we had all sorts of license requirements we had to meet, but the actual work of breaking it down and moving it and reassembling it took 5 guys 3 weeks. Granted, this was project was much larger than just a booth, but just the oven part , which is all panels and exhaust similar to a paint booth, took the team several days on both dis-assembly and reassembly. Breaking loose all the sealed seams and cured powder from 15 years of use without damaging things for re-use took some effort.