Originally Posted by AndyF
Originally Posted by SomeCarGuy
Trick question.

And the only real protection you have is that a dealer will have to convey a clear title to you or face losing his license. Other than that, they can sell you the same hidden damage junk any private guy can. Because where else do they source these cars? Same private people you can.

Best case the dealer adds value to the transaction by sourcing good cars which he then resells for a fair price. Worst case the dealer is a crook who rips off the previous owner and scams the new owner. Examples of both cases exist which is why it is always buyer beware and do your research.

Resto shop owner on uncle Tony’s last year explained all the problems he fixes on cars people buy from flippers, cough cough, dealers. He says people ask him about cars he’s selling and he tells them he doesn’t because there isn’t any money in it. At least not doing it straight up. So it’s all customer work at his place.

The math works out that you are buying at market and selling at market, unless you do shoddy “work” on the car and try to make it appear a grade higher than it is. Yeah yeah, somebody will claim that they are the guy who does it the right way, but an exception doesn’t make it the rule.

I want my fair share