Thank you for that info. I’ve been going through some archived stuff from AndyF and Dwayne, and finding a bit here and there, although my eyes glaze over after awhile. I know the 4150 M1 is an older design and fairly effective for its age. I’m also wondering, again from real experiences, if the TF intake ports match up more precisely with the TF head port, versus the alignment of the M1 to TF240 head. I understand port matching is a given in all circumstances, but again curious if the TF is more closely aligned as cast. Inquiring minds like to know all the little obscure details.
I’m not giving up, I know someone has something out there for me. But knowing myself, I’ll be on here updating in a couple/three weeks with an old school, direct at the strip thrash, of an M1 vs TF changeout at the track. If anybody has a proper TF intake for sale, pm me, I’ll wait a few days. Otherwise, damn, I think I just committed another manifold to the inventory.