Originally Posted by Wirenut
Originally Posted by MI_Custumz
I'm sure if I had a furnace or electrician come in they could run new wires and hook it up no issues. The circuit board on the furnace isn't something I want to mess with. I came across this one and seems like a programmable one like we have now, but added wifi.


You say circuit board. Is it a zone panel that controls zone dampers ?
If so it could complicate things depending on age .
Honeywell is the best, and they make something called a common maker. Look into it , I think it’s simple.

I meant the circuit board in the furnace where the wiring for the thermostat hooks into. No idea what a zone panel is. That's why I was hoping for a wifi thermostat that works without a C wire. I have heat and central air. If the Nest steals power when running, there are a few weeks when the furnace/AC is not on at all. Usually spring and fall when it's nice out.