Originally Posted by StealthWedge67
Tragedy for sure. But at the moment you get out of a car on a race track with cars active on the track and run towards moving cars...... YOU and YOU alone are responsible for whatever ensues. I understand the the parents are heartbroken, but to blame anyone in that situation other than the guy that got out of his car and rushed into traffic is just plain ridiculous.

Really ? Even when the other drivers had no problem getting past him, then tony intentionally aimed the car at him and sped up. He went after him to hurt or at least scare him, I’m sure not to kill him, but he did, it’s called vehicular manslaughter.
Just like if slam your brakes on to scare the guy tailgating you, and he crashes and dies, maybe never touching your car, you get caught and you go to jail. Unless your a celebrity maybe

Last edited by B1duster; 01/07/21 01:20 AM.