Originally Posted by DaytonaTurbo
I don't think I would be wailing on that thing. Lots of trucks for sale with blown 4.7's. Lots of trucks scrapped for just that reason.


For the most part, you have purchased a fragile piece of equipment. If you have hope of it making it to the 150K miles, you would have a better chance of getting there by not abusing it. A 4.7 is not of the family of Mopars past. What ever you do, DO NOT let it overheat! One time will kill it.

My brother in law bought a Dakota with a 4.7 brand new. It got all the recommended service from our local Dodge dealership, and he has never abused his stuff. He got 60,000 miles out of the first 4.7. He bought another new Dakota with a 4.7 and got just over 75,000 from it. He no longer drives Dodge trucks. Gene