Originally Posted by hp383
Originally Posted by SRT6776
Did it a few times, usually spent $125 and got $15 worth of dinky cars and a Christmas ornament in return. It was great 10 or so years ago though when you'd actually get a good gift in return. Raise the spend from $25 to $85 and let the members that enjoy it have at it, even if its only 10-15

It has always been said to not expect a gift over the set limit. If you want to spend more, you are welcome to. But don't be upset if you don't get something extravagant in return.

There are years I spent a good deal over the limit and other years where due to job downsizing, a big wreck, etc. I wasn't able to spend over the limit.

I have gotten both extravagant and not over the years. Some gifts were handmade, and those are often the ones I liked best. Some times I would get a typical gift, and one year in particular... I got some funny gag gifts.

It is supposed to just be about the fun.

But who ended up with the granny panties?

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