Im very familiar with that area of the country, Morelia proper is very small. If not further south in a couple tourist areas id hardly see any Americans in that state, easy place for Amricans to go missing.

What you wrote is not far off from what I did, the huge poor class is a large part due to the gov. Most cant grasp the nice parts of Mexico City put places like NYC to shame.

Originally Posted by 6PakBee
Originally Posted by Mr Potatohead
Not all Mexicans live in pallet houses. With Mexico city I think still being the 5th largest in the world at over 20 million people just as an example not all Mexicans are impoverished. Its actually a very interesting and fun country to visit and really if one had money not a bad place to live. Without getting deep into it here in this section, what keeps many Mexicans down is there government and the ones that mostly come here are not truly reflective of most Mexicans.

Originally Posted by 6PakBee
Hmm. How can there be a sizable market in Mexico when most of that country is trying to enter the US? Just wondering.

I was fortunate to go to Morelia on business a few years ago. We were there long enough to develop a bit of rapport with our Mexican liaison. One evening at dinner I asked him, in his opinion, what the major problem was in Mexico. He said that it was that Mexico has a large wealthy class, a small middle class, and a huge poor class. That's what my comment was based on.